
Här har jag skrivit för att 2011-2016 dokumentera skolutvecklingstankar utifrån mitt perspektiv såsom inom Orust kommun anställd rektor, med det tillfälliga uppdraget IKT-koordinator (i samband med vår breda satsning på digitala lärverktyg). En perfekt parkerad blogg att kolla på då och då. Hur tänkte jag då? Hmm... Sometimes I write in english. Administreras av/administrated by [email protected]

Departureday - London 2014 - with the unit for learning from the municipality of Orust

Kategori: Allmänt

Our flight 11:30 CET was cancelled due to heavy fog in London. So we were booked on the 19:35 instead.
Since we had some time at the airport we did as people from school often do. We talked abut learning. In a number of perspectives. Combined with getting to know each other much better. 
The major thing about theese trips I organize is that they works as team builders. We suddenly get the time to talk to each other about issues that concernes development and nothing else. Not the everyday issues at the school. More of strategies how to do when we get home. More of major big things to focus on FIRST and SECOND and so on. More of establishing a "sharing is caring"-environment amongst us as a group. Tearing down walls of prestige.
(The picture is from http://team-building-workshops.com/)
I already know, from the talks we have had so far, that the week is going to be wonderful!


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