
Här har jag skrivit för att 2011-2016 dokumentera skolutvecklingstankar utifrån mitt perspektiv såsom inom Orust kommun anställd rektor, med det tillfälliga uppdraget IKT-koordinator (i samband med vår breda satsning på digitala lärverktyg). En perfekt parkerad blogg att kolla på då och då. Hur tänkte jag då? Hmm... Sometimes I write in english. Administreras av/administrated by [email protected]

Testing a new device and a new OS (for me that is)

Kategori: Allmänt

As we speak I temporarily use the new HP 14" Chromebook with the Haswell processor. Thanks to LinEducation . It's robust, provide a clear picture/good sound, have a nice trackpad/keyboard, works without power supply when connecting to another screen via HDMI to VGA, is a bit heavy and lack lighting for the keyboard. As I've been told there is no good case available that really does the trick when the students for instance drop the computer to the ground. But I'm tired of the 11" design of ChromeBooks. Today I have a Samsung ChromeBook with the Arm-processor.
In a couple of days I will change from my iPhone 4 to a Nexús 5 (in my worklife). For the sole reason to really try out the Android 4.4 KitKat OS. Excited!
Why? To know if ChromeBooks and Android OS is user frienfly technology for the path that Orust have chosen at this time.


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